Kevin McMahon


Chatsworth House Keeping and Update

I just moved Chatsworth from Google code over to its new home on github. I’ve got a couple more features in mind and figured now was as good a time as any to make the switch. I already host my iPhone samples and some personal projects on github and, given the smoother branching and merging experience of git, I think it will be more conducive to spiking some features and trying some ideas out.

As for the chatbot, I’ve recently added a link logging feature. Any URL sent to the chatroom now gets logged to the sqlite database. Users can query the database right from the chat window by entering /links [number previous of to links return] and the links, timestamp and the person who sent it will be sent in an individual IM to the requestor.

Going forward, the two areas that I think need the most improvement are installation and documentation. The majority of the questions and feedback that I have received are setup and configuration related. Improving the installation and documentation stories at this point make the most sense and would be worth the effort.

On the technical side of things, I am considering making a Chatsworth plugin for Windows Home Server. Currently I am running the service from my home server and, given the always on nature that suits the chatbot and the low/no maintenance needed to running once it is setup, the pairing seems natural and could help provide a little better setup and configuration experience.

I hope to work on this more over the holidays and please feel free to reach out with a question or feedback. Enjoy.