Kevin McMahon


iPhone Wireframes

I stumbled across a great collection of iPhone wireframe templates tonight while going through my feeds. It got me thinking about the process I’ve been using to layout and design the app I am working on.

I’ve been using regular 3 x 5’ notecards to sketch out different screens for the iPhone app I am working on. On the ruled side I’ll scribble notes and call out must/should/wish components of the screens to help prioritize features. On the blank side I’ve been sketching out wireframes of the screens to help get a feel for the UI and flow of the app.


I’ve played around with Balsamiq and, while the tool is fantastic, I find myself still partial to the notecards. With the same rough dimensions of the iPhone and the flexibility of being able to quickly rearrange and reorder the screens, the cards suit my preferences as a visual-spatial learner well.

As with most tools and techniques, personal preference plays a large role in how and when they’re employed. I always enjoy checking out how other people work and try and steal glean ideas from them. I’ve found the following blogs pretty useful for design, usability, and UX. I hope they help inspire you to create something cool.

I (heart) wireframes
information aesthetics everydayUX Sender 11