Kevin McMahon


2011 by the Numbers

Apps Shipped : 7

4 Android apps with one in the can set for release in a few weeks. 3 iOS apps. Not 100% sure what I can and can’t disclose due to client agreements, but I am very proud and happy with the apps that I helped produce last year. Lots more mobile work on the agenda for 2012.

High School Programming Courses Taught: 1

In early 2011 I taught Android development to high schoolers participating in a pilot program for the 21st Century Youth Project. It was an amazing experience and I hope to work with them again in the future as the program matures.

Speaking Engagements : 4

I had the honor of being selected to speak at WindyCityGo and Chicago Code Camp. I also spoke to user groups in Rockford and Milwaukee.

Jobs Changed : 1

In July I joined Redpoint Technologies and became a consultant for the first time in my career. While consulting isn’t for everyone, I have enjoyed the diversity of the engagements and clients.

Side Hustles : Numerous

Along with maintaining a few sets of MonoTouch bindings, I put together a wiki for mobile app developers and started working with some of the data that the City of Chicago is publishing. I was able to help out some friends working on some stealth startups by offering technical advice and mentoring and have a few more tricks up my sleeve for the upcoming year.

Trips : 7

In addition to usual trips to Minneapolis to visit the in-laws and the guys trip out to Phoenix for the PGA event, I was able to squeeze in a “business” trip to Las Vegas, a vacation to southern California, and attend an amazing wedding in Greece.

Lucky Guy: 1

In reflecting back over the last year I am left feeling a tremendous amount of gratitude and appreciation for the amazing people, places and opportunities that I encountered over the past year. I am truly blessed.