Kevin McMahon


Favorites from November 2019

A collection of some of my favorite links, images, tweets and quotes from November. While these aren’t a comprehensive look at or summary of November 2019, they do capture the things that I found interesting, thought provoking, and/or cool over the past month.

Favorite Quotes

“Sheep don’t bring their owners grass to prove to them how much they’ve eaten, they digest it inwardly and outwardly bring forth milk and wool. So don’t make a show of your philosophical learning to the uninitiated, show them by your actions what you have absorbed.” - Epictetus via Farnam Street

Constraints that Enable Innovation via Ruth Malan

How to learn new skills quickly

Commoditize Your Complement -

Craftsman, executive — a tale of two modes

Filed for later slideware

Can't stop making bad decisions.